ACML2023 Workshop: New Horizons of Online Learning

Date: 11th November 2023 13:30-18:00
Place: A203, Conference Center, Acibadem University, Istanbul, Turkey



The literature on online learning has been extensively studied over decades, and now we have profound foundations such as online convex optimization and bandit algorithms. Recent developments of AI in related fields provide us with new challenging problems such as multi-objective online optimization, online non-convex optimization, distributed online optimization, and so on, which the standard online learning frameworks might only partially capture. In this workshop, we focus on (but not limited to) the following topics.

Invited Speakers

Call for Contributed Talks

We call for contributed talks on the above-listed topics. To encourage stimulating discussions, we also welcome talks on recent previous but original work related to the scope of the workshop (i.e., we allow talk proposals based on previously published original work). Instead, we will not publish any proceedings (but may share abstracts only with participants) and will not treat contributed talks as formal publications.

Submission Instruction: Please E-mail to with subject line ACML23-NHOL-{paper name} with the following contents.

Deadline: 10th October (AoE).
Notification: 16th October (AoE).


13:30-13:40 Opening remark Kohei Hatano
13:40-14:30 Tutorial: Yaxiong Liu "Blackwell game and online learning"
14:30-15:20 Invited Talk1: Shinji Ito "On best-of-both-worlds online learning algorithms"
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:50 Invited Talk 2: Koji Tabata "Advancements and Applications of Pure Exploration in Bandit Feedback"
16:50-17:05 Contributed Talk 1: Jongyeong Lee "Optimality of Thompson Sampling with Noninformative Priors for Pareto Bandits"
17:05-17:20 Contributed Talk 2: Ryotaro Mitsuboshi "An Improved Metarounding Algorithm via Frank-Wolfe"
17:20-17:35 Contributed Talk 3: Daniel Ebi "Challenges of Online Decision-Making in Energy Systems"
Discussion & Conclusion



This workshop is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22H03649.
Contact: nhol.workshop(a) (replace (a) with @)